A hose is a hollow tube designed to carry fluids from one location to another. Hoses are also sometimes called pipes (the word pipe usually refers to a rigid tube, whereas a hose is usually a flexible one), or more generally tubing. The shape of a hose is usually cylindrical (having a circular cross section). Hose design is based on a combination of application and performance. Common factors are Size, Pressure Rating, Weight, Length, Straight hose or Coilhose and Chemical Compatibility. Hoses are made from one or a combination of many different materials. Applications mostly use nylon, polyurethane, polyethylene, PVC, or synthetic or natural rubbers, based on the environment and pressure rating needed. In recent years, hoses can also be manufactured from special grades of polyethylene (LDPE and especially LLDPE). Other hose materials include PTFE (Teflon), stainless steel and other metals. them," he said.Montgomery said he will ask the Justice Department to provide him with more specific information so he can do his own review of cases now in his office.Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director John Morton said in a letter to Montgomery Thursday that ICE also planned to stop its agents from responding to traffic stops or other minor offenses by the sheriff's office and to remove any immigration detainees from the sheriff's jails."We need this program. Issues with the county sheriff's office, political or otherwise, should not prevent the people of Maricopa county, 4 million, from being able to be served by the 287g program," Montgomery said.Arpaio, defiant and caught by surprise by the report's release on Thursday, called the allegations a politically motivated attack by President Barack Obama's administration that will make Arizona unsafe by keeping illegal immigrants on the street.The Obama administration "might as well erect their own pink n
nanswered Friday.Gao has been held incommunicado in apparent disregard of laws and regulations for all but two months of the last three years. When he emerged from the first 14-month bout in April 2010, he told The Associated Press that he had been shunted between detention centers, farm houses and apartments across north China and repeatedly beaten and abused.He said he had been hooded several times. His captors made him sit motionless for up to 16 hours and threatened to kill him and dump his body in a river."'You must forget you're human. You're a beast,"' Gao said police told him in September 2009.At one point, six plainclothes officers bound him with belts and put a wet towel around his face for an hour, bringing on a feeling of slow suffocation."It's hard to fathom what they might be referring to when they say that he violated his parole given that he seems to have been under constant supervision," said Joshua Rosenzweig, a human rights researcher based
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