golf. Her fianc, Gi Hyeob Nam, is a former Korean PGA player who has been coaching her for the last two years."It's funny, you always see her and her fianc when they're traveling," Lewis said. "They're always holding hands walking in the airport and they are very cute together. You can tell she's very happy in her life, and obviously very happy with where her golf game is."More than anything, that's what's showing in her game."Her pursuit of a fourth major begins at 7:03 a.m. Thursday at St. Andrews, a course that already has been part of so much history and could very well get more.
nference." Meanwhile, Curley's lawyer, Caroline Roberto, took aim at McQueary, saying his testimony included "embellishment" and that every time he testifies he says "something more or different."Sandusky, a defensive coordinator under Paterno until his retirement in 1999, was convicted last year of 45 counts of child sexual abuse. He maintains his innocence and is appealing a 30- to 60-year prison term.Anthony Lubrano, a Penn State trustee who watched the two days of testimony, said he had not expected Wenner to throw out the case, given the low level of evidence necessary to send the case to trial. However, he said, "if you get an unbiased jury (at a trial), it'll be hard to get those charges to stick."Spanier testified to a grand jury that he was unaware of the 1998 investigation while Curley and Schultz testified that McQueary reported only that Sandusky and the boy were engaged in naked, inappropriate horseplay that made him uncomfortable. Once the defendants became aware of an investigation into Sandusky in 2010 or 2011, they did nothing to stop it, obstruct it or hide evidence, their lawyers said.The three were charged with perjury, obstruction, endangering the welfare of children, failure to properly report suspected abuse and conspiracy. Those charges include allegations of hiding evidence from investigators and lying to the grand jury.Penn State and the Paterno family declined to comment.Curley and Schultz were initially cha
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